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1. Student Attendance Automation
2. College Website
3. Online Shopping
4. Taxi Deduction Source
5. Sales and Inventory Management System
6. Examination Automation System
7. Human Resource and Management Tool
8. Hospital Automation Tool
9. Electronic Classifieds
10. Super Market Automation
11. Electronic Bidding
12. Electronic Banking
13. Web Pharmaceutical Tool
14. Automation
15. Bus Enquiry System
16. Railway Reservation System
17. Electronic Booking
18. Library Automation
Computer passwords are like locks on doors – they keep honest people honest. If someone wishes to gain access to your laptop or computer, a simple login password will not stop them. Most computer users do not realize how simple it is to access the login password for a computer, and end up leaving vulnerable data on their computer, unencrypted and easy to access.
BANGALORE: Infosys Technologies, the country’s second largest IT services exporter, is likely to make 13,000 campus offers to fresh engineering graduates who are expected to join during the course of fiscal 2011.
Nandita Gurjar, senior VP, Infosys said that they have already started going to campuses in about 700 engineering colleges
. Infosys had made 20,000 offers to engineering graduates for the 2009 fiscal, though only around 75-80 % of the students actually join the company.
The Indian IT services industry has discontinued the earlier practice of selecting the students a year before they complete their graduation and is now visiting colleges in the final semester itself. According to the Infosys official, they would be closing the 2009 fiscal with around 18,000 freshers and 3,500 experienced hires and it is expected that the same hiring numbers is likely for the coming fiscal.
The compensation package for the students coming into Infosys from the next fiscal will be same as last year.
The campus offers for the Indian IT industry had run into certain rough weather during the FY09 with certain companies delaying the entry of these students and in some cases putting them on a different stream of work.
Silicon Valley giant, Google, is currently working on creating a mobile phone that could provide an immediate translation of spoken words from one language to another. According to Franz Och, Google's head of translation services, in a few years it would be possible to create a device that could work properly, offering speech-to-speech translation.
"Clearly, for it to work smoothly, you need a combination of high-accuracy machine translation and high-accuracy voice recognition, and that's what we're working on," said Mr. Och.
Google says that its mobile phone will be able to learn the style of talking of its user, which would considerably improve its translation potential. "Everyone has a different voice, accent and pitch. But recognition should be effective with mobile phones because by nature they are personal to you," said Mr. Och.
At the same time language specialists believe that such technology is far from being developed. According to David Crystal, honorary professor of linguistics at Bangor University, the issues linked with the speed of speech and range of accents could make Google's goal impossible to accomplish.
Hi Friends...Do u remember this cake???????
Then plz let me remind u...
This cake [5kg] belongs to our first new year celebrations
in our engineering life as well as in BIES too ...
i.e on January 1,2008..
new faces,
new relations,
new college,
but one thing is common i.e. " CSE " BIES...
S.No. | Name(s)of the Teaching Faculty | Designation |
1 | Ravi Kumar | Asst.Prof.[HOD] |
2 | Md.Fareeduddin | Asst.Prof. |
3 | Syed Abdul Moeed | Asst.Prof. |
4 | Hima Bindhu | Lecturer |
5 | Shruthi Reddy | Lecturer |
6 | B.Sravanthi | Lecturer |
7 | Shruthi | Lecturer |
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